Coming soon to the newly remodeled Currier Museum of Art in Manchester, NH is an exhibit of Mr. Pop Art himself, Andy Warhol.
From September 27, 2008 until January 4, 2009 "Andy Warhol: Pop Politics" will showcase paintings, prints, drawings, and photographs of political figures.
Just in time for this year's presidential election, this exhibit is exactly what art lovers (like myself) need to get-in-gear to hit the polls come November.
(Pictured above, and to be on display at the Currier, from left, Warhol's Jackie O., Mao and Richard Nixon).
Warhol's 1972 lithograph of Richard Nixon did not "win the artist any friends in the White House," wrote CNN correspondent Kathleen Koch in 2001. "Once Nixon took office, Warhol said he was audited annually by the Internal Revenue Service."
Warhol's 1972 lithograph of Richard Nixon did not "win the artist any friends in the White House," wrote CNN correspondent Kathleen Koch in 2001. "Once Nixon took office, Warhol said he was audited annually by the Internal Revenue Service."

More great Warhol political prints:
Van Heusen (Ronald Reagan), screenprint, 1985.
Uncle Sam, screenprint, 1981.
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